Date: September 2020
Location: Irvine, CA
Airspace: Class C with LAANC
Specialty: Videography
Job: Take a video of the exterior of the building and then take a video of the inside. This job did not go as well as intended. The Automatic Airspace Authorization from LAANC worked fine the week before. I got approved within 30 minutes, however, the plant still needed to do some final cleanup, so we postponed it a week. The next week came and the day before I went to LAANC to file an Automatic Airspace Authorization Request. This time I was denied. I knew we were right on the border of a 0-foot surface grid and a 50-foot grid. I was told to file a manual request, which of course takes up to 30 days to process. My customer was not so happy, and I had to tell them that look there is a major airport within 5 miles.
Lessons Learned: I guess if there is a possibility of being denied airspace authorization, I should have confirmed it sooner than I did. I waited till 28 hours before though and was told 24 hours was required which I met. I guess I should have checked 96 hours before is all I can say. But the problem did not stop there, inside the manufacturing building with steel beams and heavy machinery and steel walls etc. the EVO II 8K did exactly what it is supposed to do. If at any time it senses too much metal which interferes with its IMU and compass the drones stops and hovers. That is good to know because outside the drone could raise up to its return home altitude. However, Autel told me that was what would happen to the EVO II indoors. It would detect obstacles overhead, which it did, and that basically turns off the RTH function. So, I had to change altitudes and slide around steel beams this of course meant I did not have a smooth video. My only saving grace was I turned on PVI and set it to 5 seconds so in addition to 3 movie clips I also gave them 147 screenshots to select from and that made them happy.